by Dancing Wombat | Apr 26, 2020 | Behaviour and Communication, Blog, Coping Strategies, Family and Community
So, like everywhere else, everyone’s at home. I’m in the lucky camp. Things haven’t changed too much for me, in one way. Although my tech skills are improving dramatically as I work out how to deliver music and drama classes remotely to my special needs primary...
by Dancing Wombat | Mar 29, 2020 | Blog, Coping Strategies, Family and Community
Shopping the other day for extra food containers, I overheard a lady complain about all the government announcements and changing rules around COVID 19. “I wish they’d stop keep coming out with new information,” she fretted. “Why don’t they just stick with one thing...
by Dancing Wombat | Oct 14, 2019 | Achievements, Blog, Coping Strategies, Family and Community, Life Skills
The other day I dropped my oldest boy back to school after a spare period. Or rather, he dropped himself off. We used the brief opportunity for him to practise his driving a little more. He’s growing up. It doesn’t seem that long ago that I was walking behind him as...
by Dancing Wombat | Aug 28, 2019 | Blog, Family and Community, Identity and Belonging, Life Skills
Every village needs a café! I’ve been exploring how we can support young people with special needs find their “village” – the people and “stuff” around us who hold us up, nurture us and sustain us in endless, connected small ways....
by Dancing Wombat | Apr 4, 2019 | Achievements, Blog, Family and Community, Identity and Belonging, Life Skills, Socialisation
Hi. I was wondering if I could ask you a question. Well, actually, I’d like to ask you a really big favour, and I hope I find the right words… So began my bumbling enquiry to a local café owner about some regular work experience for my daughter – a lumpy melange of...
by Dancing Wombat | Mar 3, 2019 | Blog, Coping Strategies, Family and Community, Life Skills
TIme flies – blink, and it’s nearly the end of term. To be honest, I was dreading the beginning of this school year. Living in hope, but bruised by reality, I wasn’t looking forward to massaging my youngest boy into Year 7, or my oldest boy into Year...