Celebrating small successes

Celebrating small successes

At Littlest Wombat’s last swimming lesson, I bumped into a lady I’d met when Train Wombat was playing local basketball. Her son was on Train Wombat’s team, and as I had all the Wombats with me whenever we were at basketball, she had some idea of what Wombat World was...
Term 1 Reflection

Term 1 Reflection

At the start of Term 1, I wrote about the new beginnings for my four Wombats (see New beginnings). There were also new beginnings for me. Well, we’re one term down, three to go. How have we fared? Overall, things have gone well. Compared with Term 1 last year, this...
Judge not

Judge not

I must confess that I quite like the view from the moral high ground. Don’t you? Come on – don’t be shy. I’m sure that deep down inside it makes you feel strong, empowered… better than those who you’re looking down on? Literally and metaphorically. Ahh – judging – so...